Odometer Reading – 5938
Alright!!!! After three days of driving across the country, it was time to get back to what this tour is all about: Rollercoasters
We were in St. Louis. It is the home of the St. Louis Rams, Cardinals and a good portion of the Dnomlas clan. It was sky was filled with dark clouds and the pavement was wet from the previous night’s rainstorm. We almost skipped this park due to the weather but we figured we were already here…we can handle a little drizzling rain.
Check the video:
We left the park satisfied and headed south to Sikeston. Sikeston is home to Lambert’s Café (http://www.throwedrolls.com/). One of the best restaurants I have ever dined at. The portions were huge. The side dishes kept coming. It was almost like family dinner at your Grandma’s house where the food fills the table. They used Travel Mugs as their glasses. This place is tied with the Big Texan for the best restaurant we visited on the Tour.
Check the video:
We made it to Memphis around 7:00 PM that evening. I have a friend from college who lives there I call Moe. She works for a prominent law firm in downtown Memphis and she, along with her folks, were kind enough to open their beautiful home to us, the weary road warriors. We caught up on old times and discussed our BBQ options for the next day.
One other item worth mentioning…Da MF Man met his match in cigarette smoking. Moe matched him round for round while we were in Memphis. Go Figure!!!
Another thing worth mentioning...this was the first park where I have ever seen Marvin the Martian out for everyone to see.